Company Overview
This firm has been providing Appraisal Review Services as an organization since 1970 under the predecessor name of Appraisal Associates. In September 1997, this same group of individuals formed Appraisal Review Specialists, LLC. ARS is a partnership legally organized as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and qualifies as a small business enterprise under federal and state criteria. The firm has grown over the years and now has a staff of qualified professionals capable of reviewing valuation reports on all types of property interests including real estate, machinery & equipment, timber, minerals (coal, oil, gas, stone, etc.) and conservation easements. Due to our highly qualified staff with unsurpassed experience, we are able to provide expeditious review of large acquisition projects while keeping projects on schedule and maintaining value consistency.
ARS has been continuously and exclusively under a statewide contract to review appraisal reports for the Pennsylvania DOT since 1997.
Over the past 42 years this group of appraisers, who became review appraisers, from experience gained through years of solving complex valuation problems, have reviewed several thousand appraisal reports on virtually all types of property under every conceivable scenario. Some of the clients and major projects our review appraisers have served are listed on our Work Experience page. Please click on the above button marked Work Experience for more information.